Dispute Resolution

about service

We specialize in protecting the rights of energy companies in disputes of any complexity. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of the specifics of the industry, which allows us to effectively resolve any disputes with contractors, government agencies or regulators.

We represent our clients in courts of any jurisdiction and instance in commercial and administrative cases related to improper performance of bilateral contracts, supply, transmission and distribution agreements, debt settlement, licensing, tariff setting and other aspects of energy companies' operations.

Our portfolio of won cases includes dozens of cases involving NPC Ukrenergo, Guaranteed Buyer, NEURC, as well as other market participants - traders, suppliers, consumers.

Our expertise

  1. Analysis of the situation, documents, providing an opinion on judicial defence of rights and interests;
  2. Implementation of pre-trial settlement;
  3. Acting on the client's behalf in economic and administrative cases;
  4. Supporting the client in all instances, including first, appeal and cassation ones;
  5. Acting on the client's behalf in mediation procedures;
  6. Supporting clients at the stage of execution of a court judgment.

Our approach is based on a thorough analysis of the situation, building a defense strategy and ensuring the most favorable result for the client.

By entrusting us with your business, you receive professional support that guarantees the protection of your business and preservation of its reputation.

Our advantages

We provide professional legal services with an individual approach to each client. This is why our clients choose us:


Narrow specialization

Our team specializes in providing legal services to energy companies and we work with the energy law of Ukraine and the European Union every day, which allows us to always keep our finger on the pulse and provide quality services


Expertise and professionalism

Our team is made up of highly qualified lawyers and legal advisors with varied experience in different areas of law, with an average of more than 10 years' experience. We are always able to find the best solutions that fully meet the needs and interests of our clients.


Systematic approach

We are a systematic legal and advisory firm serving both corporate and individual clients. Each client is assigned a project manager who is in constant contact with the client and all tasks are tracked in our CRM system so that you can be sure of the quality and efficiency of our services.


Personalised approach

We do not have one-size-fits-all solutions. We understand that each case and each client is unique, which is why our experts carefully analyse all possible risks and alternatives before offering solutions that meet your needs and interests.



We respect our clients' right to privacy. All data you provide to us remains absolutely confidential and is not disclosed to third parties.


Fair prices and payment terms

We are not the cheapest lawyers on the market, but we are not the most expensive either. Our clients know that when they turn to us, they receive top quality legal services, so the prices for such services are quite reasonable, and the result of such services brings much more benefit to the clients than their cost.


Orientation to the result

We believe that the main thing in cooperation between a legal or financial advisor and a client is not the process, but the result. Therefore, we do not just advise our clients - we work together with them to achieve results!


Understanding the client's business

Our team of specialists has not only legal and financial knowledge, but also a deep understanding of the business sector. We strive to understand the client's business model and strategic goals, which allows us to provide more effective advice in terms of legal support.


Електрична енергія

Ми знаємо як працює ринок електричної енергії в Україні не тільки з суто юридичного боку, а ще й розуміємо особливості бізнес-процесів на такому ринку. Ми обслуговуємо та консультуємо постачальників, трейдерів, виробників, операторів систем розподілу, виробників з відновлювальних джерел енергії.


Природний газ

Ринок природного газу в Україні - є ще одним енергетичним ринком, який було реформовано та приведено у відповідність до 3 енергетичного пакета Європейського союзу. Ринок природного газу, як і ринок електричної енергії, наразі є відкритим та працює на конкурентних засадах. Складність роботи на такому ринку насамперед полягає у нормативному регулюванні галузі. Юридично-консалтингова компанія FEDOTOV & PARTNERS має глибоку експертизу у сфері консультування учасників ринку природного газу та супроводження бізнес-процесів енергетичних компаній.



Ми надаємо юридичний супровід компаніям, які працюють у сфері нафтопродуктів, включаючи видобуток, переробку, транспортування, зберігання та реалізацію. Наші послуги охоплюють питання ліцензування, договірної роботи, врегулювання спорів, взаємодії з контролюючими органами та дотримання екологічних стандартів. Ми допомагаємо клієнтам ефективно працювати в умовах жорсткого регулювання та мінливого ринку.


Team of CARBO TRANS LLC hereby expresses its sincere gratitude to the management and employees of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS for the legal services provided. CARBO TRANS LLC needed to draft and analyse a number of commercial contracts, and the lawyers of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS helped us with this. The work was completed efficiently and on time. We are currently planning further cooperation.
«ARTLEX-ENERGY» LLC is grateful for the fruitful cooperation with FEDOTOV & PARTNERS Law Firm. Over the years of cooperation, the team of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS has proved to be a reliable, qualified and conscientious legal partner providing full legal support to our business. Our fruitful cooperation allows us to fully recommend FEDOTOV & PARTNERS Law Firm as a team of professionals who are able to solve any complex issues in the field of legal assistance!
“SRP” LLC is grateful to the team of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS for the qualified legal assistance to our company in the matter of export-import operations! The team of specialists of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS Law firm provided legal services to our company quickly and efficiently, thus confirming their reputation as experienced professionals. Thanks to the legal assistance of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS, our company has entered new markets and continues to develop. The management of SRP LLC can confidently recommend FEDOTOV & PARTNERS Law Firm for cooperation!
The management of the Limited Liability Company "UTILITY TRADING" expresses its gratitude to the team of attorneys of the "FEDOTOV & PARTNERS" Law Firm, who helped us during the inspection of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and defended our rights in a qualified and effective manner!
We turned to FEDOTOV & PARTNERS Law Firm (FEDOTOV & PARTNERS) when starting our business and we can confidently say that we were not mistaken in choosing legal experts! Since the start of our business, FEDOTOV & PARTNERS has been providing full support to our company and taking care of all legal issues related to labour, corporate, energy legislation, as well as financial advice to CUBE ENERGY LLC. Attorneys and consultants of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS have proved to be professional specialists who cover all legal issues of our activities, which allows us to do our business and develop without being distracted by legal issues.
We would like to express our gratitude to the team of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS for the qualified legal assistance to our company on issues related to the activities in the electricity market of Ukraine. We would also like to note the highly qualified expertise of the team of FEDOTOV & PARTNERS in the field of energy and corporate law!


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